Bancada Didática de Controle de Temperatura do Fluxo de Água Edibon RYC TAG
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A Unidade de Ensino Controlada por Computador para o Estudo de Regulação e Controle, “RYC”, é projetada pela EDIBON. Permite que os alunos aprendam os conceitos mais importantes sobre Regulação e Controle de uma maneira fácil e abrangente.
A unidade é fornecida com um conjunto de práticas, através das quais o usuário entenderá como caracterizar sistemas inteiros, sistemas de primeira ordem e sistemas de segunda ordem, e como o controlador PID e o controlador Lead & Lag funcionam.
RYC. Unit:
Metallic box.
Diagram in the front panel with distribution of the elements similar to the real one.
Reference signals module:
This module allows to generate four different
types of signals: step, square, ramp and sine.
The frequency and amplitude of the signals can
be adjusted through the computer.
Step output. Square output. Ramp output.
Sine output.
Step: amplitude: 0 V to 5 V, frequency: 0Hz
to 200 Hz.
Square: amplitude: ±10 V, frequency: 0Hz to
200 Hz.
Ramp: amplitude: ±10 V, frequency: 0Hz to
200 Hz.
Sine: amplitude: ±10 V, frequency: 0Hz to
200 Hz.
Frequency sweep: this module performs a
frequency sweep needed for calculating the
Bode plot.
PID controller module:
This module is subdivided into proportional, integrative and derivative blocks. The module allows
to adjust each parameter independently from the computer:
P controller: Kc: -10 to +10. I controller: Ti: 0 to 100 s. D controller: Td: 0 to 100 s.
Sample time: 0.1 to 100 ms.
Lead/Lag compensator:
This module represents a compensator system in the Laplace domain. The system allows to modify
the zero, the pole and the gain of the compensator through the computer:
K lead: 1 to 100 s. K lag: 1 to 100 s. Gain: 1 to 10. Sample time: 0.1 to 100 ms.
Integrator system:
This module represents and integrator system in the Laplace domain. The system allows to modify
the gain and the saturation valve of the system through the computer:
Gain: -10 to 10.
Saturation: -10 to 10.
First order system:
This module represents a first order system in the Laplace domain. The system allows to modify
the time constant of the system through the computer. The gain can be also adjusted using the
Gain: 0 to 10. Time constant T: 0 to 100 s.
Second order system:
This module represents a second order system in Laplace domain. The system allows to modify
through the computer the three parameters of the system: gain, damping coefficient and the
natural frequency:
Gain: 1 to 10.
Damping coefficient x: 0 to 1.5 in steps of 0.1.
Natural frequency (w n): 1Hz to 2 p*100 rad/s (100 Hz).
Perturbation module:
This module allows to insert disturbances in the systems. The perturbation can be inserted in
different places of the control loop:
Perturbation value: -10 to 10.
Offset module:
This module allows to add an offset to the input signal.
Offset value: -10 to 10.
Analog Inputs:
This module is provided with 4 analog inputs. The inputs are used to visualize different signals in
the computer.
Connector to computer.
Control Interface included.
RYC-TAG. Water Flow Temperature Control Module.
The “RYC-TAG” Water Flow Temperature Control module has been designed to study a practical
control system, through the control of water flow temperature.
The “RYC-TAG” module consists of two main components: the “RYC-TAG” apparatus and the “RYCTAG” interface box. The “RYC-TAG” apparatus contains all the sensors and actuators such
as temperature sensor, flow meter, water pump, etc. and the “RYC-TAG” interface box
contains all necessary components for power supplying, signal conditioning, etc.
The components are used in conjunction with the “RYC” unit to control the water temperature
of the cold water circuit, through the control of the water flow of the hot water circuit. Both
circuits are related by a heat exchanger.
The system allows to insert disturbances manually, through a manual valve that change the
water flow of the cold water circuit.
Metallic structure.
Reservoir Tank: 15 l.
Level switch: level float switch sensor with an ON/OFF output.
Water Pump: max. water flow 8 l./min.
Manual valve to generate disturbances.
Regulation valve control de the cold circuit flow value.
Electronic Proportional Valve:
Control input voltage: 0 to 3V.
Aperture range: 0 to 100%.
Analog flow meter:
Range of measurement: 0-2 l./min.
Temperature sensors:
Transducer type: “J” type thermocouple.
Output: 0.1 V/ºC.
Heating element:
Power consumption: 1500W.
Control input voltage: ±10V.
Dimensions: 900 x 900 x 700 mm. approx. (35.43 x 35.43 x 27.55 inches approx.).
Weight: 50 Kg. approx. (110 pounds approx.).