Multiplexador de 10 Canais Transmille 8500

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Automation of measurements using the 8500 Low Thermal Scanner allows a completely automated measurement system to be realised.

Using the 8500 Scanner together with ProGraph software and the 8000 series multimeter provides a turnkey solution for evaluating stability of voltage and resistance sources.

The 8500 can be used for scanning between voltage sources for automated intercomparison and stability measurements, as well as standard resistance comparisons, PRT probe measurements, even automating calibration of thermocouples against a 4 wire PRT probe in a temperature bath.

- 10 channels referenced to a single output on the rear of the unit
- 4 terminal Kelvin switching (2 voltage, 2 current terminals)
- 200V Maximum Voltage

- 1A Maximum Current
- <150nV Thermal EMF (Typical)
- <0.2 Ohms Switch Resistance

Automation of measurements using the 8500 Low Thermal Scanner allows a completely automated measurement system to be realised. Using the 8500 Scanner together with ProGraph software and the 8000 series multimeter provides a turnkey solution for evaluating stability of voltage and resistance sources.

Each channel provides a low thermal (better than 150nV) 4 wire switching solution, making the 8500 ideal for use in 4 wire resistance measurements for thermometry purposes and comparison of standard resistors.

Ultra low thermal 4mm binding posts ensures easy of connection, accepting both standard 4mm test leads as well as spade and bare wire connections to be used, allowing the automation system to be quickly reconfigured depending upon the usage. With the output on the rear of the scanner, connections can be routed efficiently and neatly providing a permanent installation simple.

Special care has been taken to reduce thermally generated EMF voltages. Internal self-heating has been reduced to almost zero through the use of latching relays which require no current after switching to the open or closed position, and using an external power supply so any heat dissipation is outside of the unit. Gold plated de-oxygenated copper terminals have been used to provide the ultimate in low thermal performance.

Control is via serial RS232 interface on the rear panel, as well as through controls located on the front panel. LED indicators on the front panel indicate the active channel, and internal firmware prevents accidental short circuits by providing 'break before make' switching.


Operation Manual


Product Matrix

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