Shunt de Corrente AC/DC Transmille

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Transmille offer a set of current shunts enabling measurement of current from 1mA through to 100A. Each shunt develops 0.7V at nominal full scale, enabling a wide range of multimeters to be used without loss of resolution due to changing range.

- AC/DC differences from 1ppm
- Shunt values for measurements between 1mA to 100A
- From DC to 30kHz

- Low inductance & capacitance flat frequency response
- Simplifies precision calibration of calibrators and current sources
- Can be used with a precision multimeter or an AC measurement standard

The AC/DC current shunts provide excellent DC value stability, but also a wide range in frequency allowing measurements from DC up to and beyond 30kHz. The coaxial design of these shunts reduces inductive and capacitive effects, while an open design improves heat dissipation to minimize power co-efficients. The coaxial design offers superior accuracy and low electromagnet influences, ensuring a liner and predictable frequency response. Each shunt has a type N output connector to ensure low noise when measuring at high frequencies providing easy connections from the shunt to the measuring device.

The set of AC/DC current shunts has been designed to enable fast and efficient calibration of multiproduct calibrators and current sources under a laboratory environment. Using the AC/DC current shunts in conjunction with an 8000 series multimeter the 3000A, 4000 and 9000A multiproduct calibrators can be efficiently maintained internally, as well as supporting other manufacturers products.

- AC/DC differences from 1PPM
- Superior accuracy compared to Wilkinson standard AC/DC resistors, minimising the use of correction factors for frequency response
- Shunt values for measurements between 1mA to 100A
- From DC to 30kHz
- Low inductance & capacitance flat frequency response
- Simplifies precision calibration of calibrators and current sources
- Can be used with a precision multimeter, or an AC measurement standard

Transmille offer a total of 14 high precision shunts each with an output value of 0.7V against nominal input. These shunts come in various input values between 1mA up to 100A*.

Current shunts can be supplied with certified AC/DC corrections from NPL for traceability directly to international standards
An optional connections kit is also available to enable fast connections to typical test equipment
*Please note custom values are available upon request

Shunt Range

The coaxial design offers superior accuracy and low electromagnetic influence, ensuring a linear and predictable frequency response. Each shunt has a type N output connector to ensure low noise when measuring at high frequencies providing easy connections from the shunt to the measuring device.

Each of these shunts can be ordered separately or as a full set of 14 current shunts. The full set is provided in a bespoke transit case to ensure protection during shipment and storage. A low capacitance buffer amplifier for the 1mA shunt is also included. The full set of shunts includes the following:

Shunt [Nominal Value, in Ohms]

1x 1mA High precision coaxial shunt    [714]
1x 10mA High precision coaxial shunt [71.4]
1x 20mA High precision coaxial shunt [35.7]
1x 50mA High precision coaxial shunt [14.28]
1x 100mA High precision coaxial shunt [7.14]
1x 200mA High precision coaxial shunt [3.57]
1x 500mA High precision coaxial shunt [1.42]
1x 1A High precision coaxial shunt [0.714]
1x 2A High precision coaxial shunt [0.357]
1x 5A High precision coaxial shunt [0.142]
1x 10A High precision coaxial shunt [0.0714]
1x 20A High precision coaxial shunt [0.01428]
1x 50A High precision coaxial shunt [0.00357]
1x 100A High precision coaxial shunt [0.00714]

Accessories: 1x Hard Transit Case, 1 Low Capacitance Buffer Amplifier


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