Shunt de Corrente de Precisão Transmille 3000CS

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The 3000CS provides a precision set of current shunts for current ranges from 10mA through to 10A to provide additional ranges for multimeters that either lack sufficient accuracy at required currents, or lack the required current ranges entirely.

A set of 4 shunts with dedicated current input and voltage sense inputs, with 1 year stability of up to 5ppm, and temperature coefficients of less than 0.6ppm/°C. High precision current sensing foil resistors provide unmatched self heating effects without requiring immersion in oil baths.

To verify self-heating effects, a 4 wire PT100 output is provided so self heating effects can be monitored and independently verified against existing standards.

- Precision current shunt array
- Values 10mA through to 10A
- 1 year stability of up to 5ppm
- 4-Wire PT100 Output
- Temperature coefficients of less than 0.6ppm/°C


Operation Manual

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